Bela Lubkin's vestigial "home page".
I don't have a real web page yet, but you can email me at
[email protected].
You can also read my résumé.
My wife, Sandy, maintains several pages with stories and pictures about
our lives.
Current day-to-day blog on Facebook (2009)
Current day-to-day blog on Livejournal (2009)
Sandy's previous day-to-day blog (2005-2009)
another intermittent picture blog (2005-2008)
Our small farm
newborn pictures of our second daughter, Katie (2003)
early pictures of our first daughter, Nadya (2001-2002)
our honeymoon trip to Russia and Europe (1997)
My sister Irene's weekly potluck
My mom Thelma's home page
Mom's page on Facebook
Various useful information I have collected for my own reference...
Links to US mobile / cellular phone providers'
signal coverage maps