This is a 8 x recipe. Scaled quantities are colored red.
                 Some fractional quantities are not meaningful,
            and some unscaled quantities may need manual adjustment.

                               Vanilla Ice Cream

                         From John's Recipe Collection

Yield: 2 1/2 gallons

* 64 egg yolks
* 1 gallon whole milk
* 1 gallon heavy cream
* 2 quarts sugar
* 3/4 cup vanilla

Whip the egg yolks while adding the sugar slowly. Continue whipping until it's 
smooth. Add the milk and mix thoroughly.

Cook the custard over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, 
until it is thick enough to coat the back of the spoon. This should happen at 
about 165 degrees F - 170 degrees F. If the custard starts to fill with lots of
tiny flecks, you've cooked it too far - stop! Remove the custard from the heat
and cool to refrigerator temperature. Add the cream and vanilla. Mix well.

Freeze using your method of choice.