Deep Thought
I began thinking about operating an open-access UNIX system after
Jon Luini
brought up gorn in 1988,
running SCO XENIX 2.1.3 on a lowly 4.77MHz true-blue 8088 PC.
It became a more real possibility after (as Jon had) I went to work for
SCO, late in 1989.
Early on, it ran on relatively low end hardware, some of it rather
Nowadays it's more stable, though still using a motley assortment of hardware,
some new, much bought via the net and at
swap meets.
And of course, there is still the occasional
The most significant thing to happen to the system since it was brought up was
the connection of our house Ethernet to the Internet.
This had been in the works for years, since before we even had a network,
or any UNIX systems for that matter, but connecting to the Internet in the
early 90s wasn't a simple matter.
Shortly after moving into the Armory, we applied ourselves toward connecting
our house to other local houses that we had line-of-sight to by various means
(first infrared and then
Some interesting experiments were done but none of it panned out.
With the same group of people, we considered a
commercial IP connection, but the IP vendors'
policies made that unworkable.
Finally, in 1993, the same folks took matters into their own hands and founded
Santa Cruz Community Internet (later absorbed by Tycho Networks, then,
which made their and our long-sought goal a reality.
Here's a brief history of the system.
- Mar 28 1989:
DOS box becomes a UUCP node via ssyx and is named deeptht
- May 01 1990:
386SX motherboard & XENIX 2.3.2 installed; system goes multiuser.
- May 18 1990:
First modem line installed.
- Jun 24 1990:
B-News installed.
- Dec 10 1990:
Second modem line installed.
- Nov 02 1990:
MX router changed from ssyx to ucscc.
- Jun 06 1991:
Disk space upgraded to 660M.
- Sep 04 1991:
Class C Internet address space allocated to network ARMORY.
- Sep 08 1991:
Created Armory house network.
- Sep 17 1991:
Motherboard upgraded to 486DX-33 w/16M memory.
- Nov 01 1991:
Disk space increased to 2 GB.
- Nov 24 1991:
CPU speed increased to 40 MHz.
- Mar 01 1992:
Upgraded OS from XENIX 2.3.4 to SCO UNIX 3.2v4.0.
- Mar 11 1992:
MX router changed from ucscc to
- Apr 21 1992:
Third & fourth modem lines installed.
Jun 22 1992: domain registered.
At this time there were about 16,000 domain names.
- Feb 02 1993:
Memory increased from 16M to 32M.
- Mar 01 1993:
Motherboard damaged by exploding battery.
- Jun 12 1993:
Upgraded OS to SCO Open Server 3.0.
- Sep 22 1993:
Motherboard upgraded to 486DX2/66.
- Nov 13 1993:
Fifth & sixth modem lines installed.
- Nov 25 1993:
Armory net becomes part of the Internet via 128Kbps ISDN.
At this time the Internet consisted of about 16,000 networks.
Feb 09 1994: Installed WWW server.
At this time there were about 1,000 web servers worldwide.
- Dec 19 1994:
Added a 4GB hard drive and replaced the cartridge tape drive with a DAT drive -
$4000 of new hardware!
- Oct 22 1995:
Replaced 6 of the modems with a Telebit 3000 rackmount unit (sitting on a
- Dec 17 1995:
Upgraded OS to SCO OpenServer 5.0.0.
- Dec 23 1995:
Upgraded motherboard to Pentium 100 PCI system with 64MB memory.
- Jan 07 1996:
Added eighth and ninth modem lines.
- Jul 18 1996:
Began spam blocking using local blacklist.
- Nov 02 1996:
Added tenth modem line.
- Nov 04 1997:
Began using MAPS RBLs for spam blocking.
- Nov 05 1998:
Internet connection upgraded to 768Kbps SDSL.
- Jul 15 2001:
Upgraded hardware to a rackmount dual Pentium III 1GHz system with 1GB memory,
and upgraded OS to SCO OpenServer 5.0.6.
Yes, the previous system managed to grind along for 5 � years!
- Dec 24 2002:
Replaced (dead) DAT drive with 40/80GB DLT drive.
- Oct 03 2003:
Internet connection upgraded to 1MBps SDSL.
- Mar 20 2005:
Upgraded hardware to a dual Xeon 3.6GHz system with 2GB memory.
- Dec 12 2005:
Swapped in a 500GB drive, bringing disk space to 1 terabyte.
- Jan 10 2006:
Switched ISPs for the first time (to Speakeasy);
Internet connection upgraded to 1.1MBps SDSL.
- Oct 21 2006:
Most serious DDOS attack to date.
- Nov 11 2007:
Swapped in a 1TB drive, bringing disk space to 1.6 terabytes.
- Jan 11 2008:
SDSL connection speed reduced to 768kBps due to line degradation.
- Dec 12 2008:
Swapped in a 1.5TB drive, bringing disk space to 2.6 terabytes.
- Jan 15 2009:
deepthought moved for the first time in its 20-year life, from the master
bedroom at the Armory in Santa Cruz to the garage of our new house in Scotts
Valley. Last modem line retired! SDSL speed still stuck at 768kBps.
- Nov 11 2009:
Swapped in a 2TB drive, bringing disk space to 3.4 terabytes.
Current hardware:
- 2 Xeon-3.6GHz CPUs
- 34 serial ports
- 3 TB disk space
- 4 GB memory
Some ancient plots of deepthought modem access statistics