Changing my Login Name

Message 489:  Fri Sept 25 1987 6:01pm
From: Zaphod, Galactic Prez    Fugitive Galactic Prez (spcman@ucscb)
Subject: Guess who?

     Hey!  It's me!  I finally changed my login to something truly deep and
meaningful (at least to me).  So, change your .whom, your .buddy, your .wf
to "spcman John".  Also, the new home of BoFf is ~spcman/public/BoFf, and
AllNight forum is ~spcman/public/allnight.dir/AllNight.  Actually it may be
a bit till Jon gets around to making those work in their new homes...

     Oh yes... who was I?  jhdiii (hey, some people don't use see_uid).
Message 2651:  Wed Oct 28 1987 10:10pm
From: Zaphod, Galactic Prez
Subject: I changed mine

     from my initials (jhdiii) to something that reflected an interest of
mine, spcman.  But everybody keeps telling me spccdt (space cadet) would be
more descriptive...
Message 3198: Wed Dec 16 1987 4:27pm
From: Zaphod, Galactic Prez (spcecdt@ucscb)
Subject: hi!

     Yes, it's true.  I have changed my login once again.  Due to popular
demand, I am now....   spcecdt!!!  (believe it or not, there are some people
who think of me in those terms).
     Actually, it was kind of funny.  I applied for the change yesterday, and
was told it would go through at the end of the week.  So here I was logged in..
everything working fine... then I tried to do a cd, and it said I couldn't
change to my login dir!  I wooonder why?  Actually I didn't figure it out
until hordes of users started writing me asking me what happened to all my
fantastically useful public utilities.  So now everybody on b has to do a
bunch of :g/spcman/s//spcecdt/g ... ;-)
     Oddly enough, 'u' still reports spcman, and people are writing me at
spcman... guess it will be that way until I log out... then spcman will die!
hmmm... login changed while you are logged in... like bwain surgery while you
are concious?
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 16:59:42 1987
To: aerobic
Subject: Account name change

      Hi!  Due to popular demand, I have changed my login to spcecdt.
Just thought I'd letcha know...


ps.  Merry Christmas & happy new year!!!
From qarin Wed Dec 16 17:10:54 1987
Subject: Re:  Account name change
Apparently-To: spcecdt

I HATE Blind CC!
From ceowyn Wed Dec 16 17:16:03 1987
From: ceowyn (Archmage)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  Don't use 'r' on that last mail

Hey John! Why am I getting mail addressed to horny? Is this permanent?

Could be interesting....heh heh.....
From niteowl Wed Dec 16 18:39:36 1987
From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
To: spcecdt
Subject: YIKES!

it shoud be SPACCDT!
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 19:40:20 1987
To: niteowl
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

Karine was the ultimate decision=maker and she said spcecdt.  so spcecdt
it is!  The only ones in the running were spccdt, scpecdt, and spccdet anywaze!
SO THERE!!!!  Just remember to change /b/c/spcman/public at the front of your
$PATH to /b/c/spcecdt/public.
From niteowl Wed Dec 16 19:54:57 1987
From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

(ok ok, so i use lca...)

but my cshrc is fine , thank YOU!

(ther there, little cshrc, dont worry, everythings ok.. the mean mr cadet
was not trying to insult you... really)
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 20:01:53 1987
To: niteowl
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

      it is NOT "mr cadet"!!!  "cadet"  is a title unto itself!!! you will
henceforth refer to "space cadet", "the cadet", or "john, cadet first class".
NOT "mr cadet"!!!! so THERE!!!!  and yes i love !!!!!!!!! marks!!!!!!
From niteowl Wed Dec 16 20:03:20 1987
From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

yes , mr. spaceman, sir.
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 20:04:13 1987
To: niteowl
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

NONONONONONONNONON!!! you folks made me change my login to space cadet and
now you'll use it and LIKE IT!!!!
From niteowl Wed Dec 16 20:05:45 1987
From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

yes, mr. spaceman, sir.
i like it, mr. spaceman, sir.
i like it, mr. space cadet, sir.
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 20:08:56 1987
To: niteowl
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

	From niteowl Wed Dec 16 20:05:45 1987
	Really-From: niteowl
	Received: by ucscb.UCSC.EDU (4.12/4.7)
		id AA24594; Wed, 16 Dec 87 20:05:37 pst
	Date: Wed, 16 Dec 87 20:05:37 pst
	From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
	Message-Id: <[email protected]>
	To: spcecdt
	Subject: Re:  YIKES!
	yes, mr. spaceman, sir.
	i like it, mr. spaceman, sir.
	i like it, mr. space cadet, sir.
 i like it, Space Cadet First Class John, sir.
From niteowl Wed Dec 16 20:11:28 1987
From: niteowl (The Owl of Nite)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  YIKES!

its like cool runnin' dude!
and when i say "cool runnin'" i mean KOOL RUNNIN'!
like jame-on!

right on john!

s'cool, bro!
From spcecdt Wed Dec 16 20:58:36 1987
To: niteowl
Subject: Oh, by the way

     I almost forgot to remind you to change "ucscb spcman" in your .rhosts
to "ucscb spcecdt".  Thanks.
This web page maintained by John DuBois