Login session record from the minutes before the Loma Prieta Quake of '89


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UCSC CATS IS68K 4.3 BSD UNIX (ucscb.UCSC.EDU) (tty15)
(4:16pm on Tues, 17 Oct 1989)

Last login: Mon Oct 16 20:09:43 from ucscg.UCSC.EDU
IS68K 4.3BSD UNIX: 5.1.4 #7: UCSCB([email protected]):10/3/89 17:48

You have new mail.

/b/c/spcecdt/bin/pcmd: Command not found.

getterm says termtype is vt102

4:35 6.9 -4.1 32u*-
print of pic of ford, lee & jon
print of pic of me & magnesium & crackers
print of pics of Bill
plans to kzin, [email protected]
dee/carolyn's bday fri 20 oct apt 921 6:00
mac class 27 oct 10/3
Matthew 	karp	tty08
Sean    	bluemax	tty09
Larry Hastings	funkstr	tty0a
Mike    	dl2372	tty0b
Aaron Emigh	aaron	tty0c
Mike    	zenomt	tty14
Wayne Tvedt	cthulhu	tty1a
Mike Kaye	horny	tty1b
Rob Chansky	smq	ttyp0
Dave Paris	demon	ttyp2
Qarin van Brink	queue	ttyp3
Total number of users is 32.
Monitor: running on tty15.
/b/c/spcecdt/.nonoses/phist: No such file or directory
You are at the Armory.
There are new messages.
/b/c/spcecdt/bin/randst: Command not found.

Sourcing .alias
51 /b/c/spcecdt>
51 /b/c/spcecdt> 
51 /b/c/spcecdt> 
51 /b/c/spcecdt> 
51 /b/c/spcecdt> nmess
52 /b/c/spcecdt>  
4:36 7.7 -2.5 32u*-
4:37 8.5 -1.4 32u*-
4:38 5.8 -2.8 33u* on: feroxrx(16) bartleb(1d) zap(p4) off: funkstr(0a)
4:39 4.0 -3.2 34u* on: feedme(17)
4:40 6.8 -0.6 34u*-
4:41 6.7 -0.6 34u*-
4:42 6.0 -0.8 34u*-
4:43 6.8 -0.1 34u*-
4:44 5.0 -1.3 36u* on: necro(0a) mojo(0e) baud300(11) smith(18) fulcrum
4:45 5.7 -0.5 35u* on: feedme(17) off: dis(05) necro(0a)
4:46 7.0 +0.3 35u*-
Hey!! liz@ucscb is here!!  
4:47 5.2 -0.8 34u* on: liz(05) mojo(0a) off: askbeth(02) allbane(04) mo
4:49 4.7 -0.9 32u* off: feroxrx(16) fulcrum(p7)
yme52 /b/c/spcecdt> ymess
53 /b/c/spcecdt> loc armorer
loc: no user armorer
54 /b/c/spcecdt>  
4:50 5.5 -0.2 31u* on: odin(p7) off: mojo(0a) smith(18)
vi .login
".login" 97 lines, 2436 characters set hometerm = vt102
setenv TERMCAP $HOME/.termcap
if !($?TERM) setenv TERM dialup
if ($TERM == network) then
    set termspeed=9600
set termspeed=2400
if ($TERM == dialup || $TERM == network || $TERM == unknown) then
    source ~/bin/script/getterm".login" 97 lines, 2436 characters/pcmd
    int -uf8
    if ($host == ucscb.UCSC.EDU) then
	/b/h/falcon/bin/monitor -m
	tail -1 ~/.nonoses/phist
	source ~/bin/script/wheream
#	echo "`date | cut -c1-16` -- spcecdt is $loc" > ~/.ou
	/a/a/lechner/bin/ou -w "$loc"
	echo "You are $loc"
	msgs -

setenv LGN true

".login" 97 lines, 2435 characters 
55 /b/c/spcecdt> vi bin/script/getterm
"bin/script/getterm" 49 lines, 997 characters set pcmd=/b/c/spcecdt/bin/pcmd
set delaystring="^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A
echo "^[7^[[25;1H^[[6n^[8"
echo $delaystring
$pcmd "^M"
set response = $<
if ( "$response" == "^[[25;1R" ) then
    setenv TERM	 vt102"bin/script/getterm" 49 lines, 997 characters/pcmd

56 /b/c/spcecdt> ls ~lechner/bin
README	bif	doc	lca	mask	not	pcmd	unshar	wh
addme	ch	int	makekit	mc	ou	purity	utmp	why
57 /b/c/spcecdt> fg
vi bin/script/getterm
set pcmd=/a/a/lechner/bin/pcmd
set delaystring="^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A
echo "^[7^[[25;1H^[[6n^[8"
echo $delaystring
$pcmd "^M"
set response = $<
if ( "$response" == "^[[25;1R" ) then
    setenv TERM	 vt102

vt100-s-bot vt102-s-bot "")

58 /b/c/spcecdt> msgs
Message 106:
From dennie Tue Oct 17 08:13:03 1989
Subject: Amiga Show in Santa Clara, October 20-22.
(16 lines) More? [ynq] n

Message 107:
From [email protected] Tue Oct 17 15:21:27 1989
Subject: IBM PS/2 Fair, Friday, Oct. 20, AppSc Lobby, 10 AM - 2PM.
(2 lines) More? [ynq] 

On Friday, October 20th, IBM will have all their IBM PS/2 that are
 on their education discount program at the Applied Science Lobby.

59 /b/c/spcecdt> cat .reminder
print of pic of ford, lee & jon
print of pic of me & magnesium & crackers
print of pics of Bill
plans to kzin, [email protected]
dee/carolyn's bday fri 20 oct apt 921 6:00
mac class 27 oct 10/3
60 /b/c/spcecdt> mali
mali: Command not found.
61 /b/c/spcecdt> mail
Mail version 5.2 6/21/85.  Type ? for help.
"/usr/spool/mail/spcecdt": 5 messages 5 new
>N  1 liz      Mon Oct 16 21:51  11/324 "depression"
 N  2 falcon   Mon Oct 16 21:52  12/308 "Re:  ok"
 N  3 [email protected] Tue Oct 17 00:13  19/690 "Re:  your rubik's cube thang"
 N  4 liz      Tue Oct 17 08:32  14/338 "deprssion"
 N  5 carioca  Tue Oct 17 15:24  17/411 "Re:  randst"
Message  1:
From liz Mon Oct 16 21:51:58 1989
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 21:51:45 -0700
From: liz (60434000)
To: spcecdt
Subject: depression

hmmm, still cant read curfew file, but you probably knew that, huh?

Message  2:
From falcon Mon Oct 16 21:52:42 1989
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 21:52:37 -0700
From: falcon (highlander)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  ok

well i just moved em.
finish up with xsex now.

Message  3:
From [email protected] Tue Oct 17 00:13:21 1989
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 89 00:12:52 -0700
From: [email protected] (Kresge Mouse)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re:  your rubik's cube thang

no.. I dont think I'll be at the saturn run, hopefully
I will catch up to you sometime though.. either that, 
or I go and terrorize your place... :)


4:53 8.3 +1.9 31u-
Message  4:
From liz Tue Oct 17 08:32:41 1989
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 89 08:32:39 -0700
From: liz (60434000)
To: spcecdt
Subject: deprssion

I put me in the perms file with a @ after, and it still doesnt give me c-login.

Message  5:
From carioca Tue Oct 17 15:24:18 1989
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 89 15:24:06 -0700
From: carioca (Just Another Silly Alias)
To: spcecdt
Subject: Re:  randst

you did?  I don't see it there..

could you send it again, and put it and any other programs at ~carioca/foodity?



& ^Z
62 /b/c/spcecdt> telnet b
telnet: connect: Connection refused
telnet> 63 /b/c/spcecdt> ls ~carioca/randst
/b/b/carioca/randst not found
64 /b/c/spcecdt> 
4:54 8.2 +1.2 31u-
ls ~carioca/nonoses
chprompt	hfiles		pfiles		skywise.Z
dictionary.Z	merry_go_prompt	phist
65 /b/c/spcecdt> rcp g:bin/src/randst.c.Z .&
[2] 22385
66 /b/c/spcecdt> 
[2]    Done                 rcp g:bin/src/randst.c.Z .
uncompress ranst
ranst.Z: No such file or directory
67 /b/c/spcecdt> uncompress ranst.c
ranst.c.Z: No such file or directory
68 /b/c/spcecdt> uncompress randst.c&
[2] 22400
69 /b/c/spcecdt> cc -o 
[2]    Done                 uncompress randst.c
randst randst.c
70 /b/c/spcecdt> bg
4:55 5.5 -0.6 33u on: kodiak(02) frogger(04) xinlanl(0a) cerebus(0e) mg
[2]    cc -o randst randst.c &
71 /b/c/spcecdt> fg

Message from [email protected] on ttyp4 at 16:55 ...
& R
you're still here!
To: carioca
Subject: Re:  randst

     hmm... dunno where it went.  ok, as soon
[2]    Done                 cc -o randst randst.c
 as i can get a port, i'll^R
     hmm... dunno where it went.  ok, as soon as i can get a port, i'll put
in in foodity... :-)

& h
    1 liz      Mon Oct 16 21:51  11/324 "depression"
    2 falcon   Mon Oct 16 21:52  12/308 "Re:  ok"
    3 [email protected] Tue Oct 17 00:13  19/690 "Re:  your rubik's cube thang"
    4 liz      Tue Oct 17 08:32  14/338 "deprssion"
>   5 carioca  Tue Oct 17 15:24  17/411 "Re:  randst"
& d *
& q
72 /b/c/spcecdt> rsh b -n -l liz rm -r .john/frm&
4:56 7.7 +0.7 33u-
[1] 22481
73 /b/c/spcecdt> chmod 
[1]    Done                 rsh b -n -l liz rm -r .john/frm
a+r randst
74 /b/c/spcecdt> ranst .tmasks
ranst: Command not found.
75 /b/c/spcecdt> rand
Snorting felt pens with
76 /b/c/spcecdt> 
4:57 5.4 -0.9 30u on: fred(13) payaqui(1b) off: kodiak(02) bluemax(09)
rsh b -n -l carioca cp ~spcecdt/randst foodity&
[1] 22510
77 /b/c/spcecdt> Badly placed ()'s.
rsh b -n -l carioca cp ~spcecdt/randst foodity 
[1]    Done                 rsh b -n -l carioca cp ~spcecdt/randst foodity

[cb/ne] 77 /b/c/spcecdt> rsh b -n -l carioca cp ~spcecdt/randst foodity 
[1] 22528
78 /b/c/spcecdt> Badly placed ()'s.

[1]    Done                 rsh b -n -l carioca cp ~spcecdt/randst foodity
ls ~liz/.john
79 /b/c/spcecdt> l -dg ~carioca/foodity
4:58 4.2 -1.4 30u
4:59 3.9 -1.2 30u on: pablues(16) off: fred(13)
drwx--x--x  2 carioca  other         512 Oct 17 16:57 /b/b/carioca/foodity
80 /b/c/spcecdt> rsh b -n -l carioca cp /b/c/
[1] 22618
81 /b/c/spcecdt> loc spcecdt
5:00 10.7 +3.5 3
Badly placed ()'s.

[1]    Done                 rsh b -n -l carioca cp /b/c/spcecdt/randst foodity
	Soc Sci Undergrads
82 /b/c/spcecdt> rsh b -l carioca cp /b/c/spcecdt/randst foodit
Badly placed ()'s.
83 /b/c/spcecdt> rsh b -n
5:01 16.2 +6.1 30u-
[1] 22764
84 /b/c/spcecdt> Badly placed ()'s.
rsh b -n -l
5:02 16.0 +4.3 30u-
[1]    Done                 rsh b -n -l carioca cp /b/c/spcecdt/randst foodity/ranst
 liz quota -v&
This web page maintained by John DuBois